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Anil Malhotra is a practising Advocate based in Chandigarh, India. He attained Bachelor of Science (1980) and Bachelor of Laws (Professional) (1983) degrees from Panjab University, Chandigarh & an LLM degree from the University of London, London in 1985. He studied Comparative Family Law at London School of Economics (LSE) and Law & Society at School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS).  For over 40 years, he has continued to act as an expert and as amicus curiae, on Indian family law in foreign courts on appointment by the Bench in overseas jurisdictions.


He has co-authored nine books titled Acting for Non-resident Indian Clients (Jordans 2005), India, NRIs and the Law (Universal 2009), Indians, NRIs and the Law (Universal 2011), Surrogacy in India: A Law in the Making (Universal 2013), International Indians and the Law, (Universal 2014), Surrogacy in India – A Law in the Making: Revisited (LexisNexis 2015), India, Inter-Country Parental Child Removal and the Law (Lexis Nexis 2016), The Removed Child and The Law in India (2018), and The Global Indians and the Law (Oakbridge 2020). He has significant published work, and has both international and domestic conference participations, besides over 1000 Articles to his credit. He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Law (IAFL), Member, International Child Relocation Committee (IAFL)& an India Representative, Family Law Committee, International Law Association, London. He has expertise in rendering expert reports to foreign courts on Surrogacy, Intercountry Adoptions, Nationality, Citizenship, Marriage, Divorce, Maintenance and Succession involving Global Indians / foreigners to Boroughs, Local Authorities and Councils in UK amongst other jurisdictions. 


​As amicus curiae, his Report on inter-country parental child removal is part of a Punjab and Haryana High Court judgment referring to the Law Commission of India, recommending that India consider signing the Hague Convention. Further, he has served as a Member of the Committee of Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India to examine legal issues involved in resolving problems of parents and children involved in issues relating to interparental / inter-country child removal, whose report was submitted to Government of India on 21 April 2018. He regularly lectures as a resource person at National Judicial Academy, Bhopal, Chandigarh Judicial Academy, National Law Universities across the country,  O.P. Jindal Global University, and Symbiosis Law School, Pune.

Books Authored


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